Sight Size

 Sight size. It’s a really uninteresting title I have to say. But the reason I chose it is I was explaining to another artist how I got the proportions in this picture and how I determined the spacing was used in a nineteenth-century method called sight size, where you put your painting or your drawing next to the subject and match.

In this case, since it’s such a horizontal, I put it below the subject and I could match up. Where I saw the doors, the wall, the chair, the walls on the left, all those verticals lined up just right. And so that helped me figure out the proportions on this, and that’s the reason why I call it sight size.

Other than that, I think it has no meaning. I added shiny objects on the right to give some life and vitality over on the right, an area that’s otherwise dark.

Daniel Sprick My Interior Life