daniel sprick

Selected Exhibitions

Fictions, 2014, the Denver Art Museum; To Be, or Not to Be: Four Hundred Years of Vanitas Painting, 2006, Flint Institute of Arts, MI; Object Project, Five Objects, Fifteen Artists traveling exhibit. Currently, 54 paintings are on display at the Madden Art Museum, Colorado.

selected permanent collections
PBS Video documentary 

Daniel Sprick, In Search of Truth and Beauty examines the life and work of one of the world’s greatest contemporary realist painters. Produced by Colorado Public Television and the Museum of Outdoor Arts.


Daniel Sprick maintains a studio in Denver, Colorado and a practice of working everyday from sunrise to sunset. To arrange a studio visit, please contact [email protected]


Daniel is represented by Gerald Peters Galleries and Gallery 1261. For information about this work, sales, and borrowing pieces for exhibition, please contact [email protected]

current exhibition

Fleeting Presence: The Liminal Art of Daniel Sprick

In cooperation with the School of Art & Art History at the University of Denver, this exhibition explores formal and thematic tensions in the work of Colorado artist Daniel Sprick. Through his adept handling of form, space, color, and light, Sprick creates hauntingly beautiful paintings rooted in the realism of Dutch artists like Johannes Vermeer. His paintings reflect our world back to us, but it’s a world woven through with metaphor and hints of melancholy. Embracing ambiguity, Sprick’s art brings together seeming opposites – life and death, stillness and dynamism, transience and permanence ­– transforming everyday existence into something other-worldly and mysterious.


Venue: Madden Museum of Art

Address: 6363 S Fiddlers Green Cir, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (inside the Palazzo Verdi building)

Dates: November 2, 2023 – April 28, 2024

recent exhibitions

Daniel Sprick My Interior Life

“my interior life” Gerald Peters New York, 2023

 The intimate domestic interiors which are the focus of the present exhibition are reflections of the seclusion and introspection imposed on his creativity by the lockdown from Covid….The extraordinary attention to detail, without ever foregoing his painterly manner, blurs the line between realism and abstraction. These paintings are contemporary and universal images. READ MORE

Daniel Sprick hyper realist

Fictions, Denver Art Museum, 2020

“Upon first glance, viewers might think Daniel’s works are photographs because of their stunningly realistic elements. However, the longer we look at one of his paintings, the more we become aware that they are anything but a part of our world. We encounter Sprick’s paintings not so much as statements, but more as experiences, whereby we engage deeply with his creativity.”

– Timothy J. Standring, exhibition curator and Gates Foundation Curator at the Denver Art Museum


daniel sprick museum of outdoor art

Museum of outdoor art, Painting out-of-doors, 2016

Known as one of the most important contemporary realists of his time, Daniel Sprick paints light in an ethereal way that few painters master. In many of the piece in this exhibition, the light is portrayed during a particular moment in time as it reflects upon water, buildings, and parks, evoking shadows and colors that signify a certain time of day.


daniel sprick the living and the dead

The living and the dead, gallery 1261, 2008

Solo exhibition at Gallery 1261, Denver, Colorado.

There is a delicate rhythm to the most recent work by realist Daniel Sprick. From the confines of his studio, we glimpse the outside yet are held captive within. He won’t tell you what these paintings mean, if anything, nor should you ask, for each will say one thing to you today and a take you by surprise the next with a new revelation or insight into your own world.

daniel sprick colorado realist

“Anyone paying close attention to American realism today already knows the Denver-based painter Daniel Sprick (b. 1953), some of whose work is almost always on view at the Denver Art Museum. Indeed, this mainstream institution has long won high marks in the realist community for presenting Sprick’s meticulously

observed still lifes, both prominently and respectfully, near the more “cutting edge” works that most visitors might expect to find in a museum’s contemporary galleries these days.”

-Matthias Anderson, Fine Art Connoisseur, Sept/Oct 2014



Denver, Colorado